Black Lives Matter

We are grief-stricken, upset, frustrated, angry, and heartbroken—that numerous Black lives are being taken. Casually. Purposefully. And without consequence. It is a human rights crisis.

These recent events have made visible the racism against Black people that can easily slip beyond our perception as white people. Black people face racism on a regular and continual basis and have since our country’s founding. These events point to the grave injustices Black people face—violence, discrimination, hatred. And they indicate the wider, encompassing problem of structural racism our society is built on that is so pervasive it affects every aspect of human life.

We are anti-racist. We actively support the Black Lives Matter movement and are committed to fighting racism against Black, Indigenous, and people of color in our work lives and our personal lives.

We’ve spent many weeks in discussion, in ideation, in discomfort. We are protesting, listening, reading, watching, and learning. And we are creating.

As visual designers, we are using our talents and time to develop free, accurate resources that advocate for change. We will publish graphics to highlight various issues that disproportionately affect BIPOC people: health and healthcare, incarceration, food justice, housing, and the environment. As our collective awareness grows, so does the chance for real change.

At times we are in anguish and at times we are hopeful. Hopeful that this time the movement toward equitable human rights is bigger. That the momentum in this wave of action will carry us forward to a new and just way of living together. Where people are free to live their lives in safety. Where Black Lives Matter. Let’s advocate for change together.

Damia, Rob, James, Jess, and Áine